
Cruel Innocence

Late 2002. This is where I developed my common signature “Comedy of the tragedy” which I have used everywhere until very recently. When I started to truly fall out of religion’s grace and I consciously acknowledged it. Cruel Innocence In memory of the fallen who still believe in miracles The smile that mocks your anguished …
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Colorful Shapes

Things I just wrote down in 2003 while confining myself to the basement in my sister’s room. Away from all the chaos. Her room was bigger. I burned some small white candles. I liked burning things and watching fire in general. Fascinating. I burned my nail today on a candle’s fire brother on Sunday told …
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Infinity Eternity

Written on the same page as Civil in 2002. Both done during a class that I was taking at night after University classes for Nurse\’s Assistant license. This one is about me progressively losing my 20/20 vision. I eventually became officially Near-sighted. Infinity Eternity I no longer look at the borders restrictions which are no …
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