Don’t remember much that was in my mind when I wrote this. It’s at least five years old though. And control the sky “Nobody whispers like you” says the endless islands of clouds Winter smiles as it decends, Enters with graceful white wedding dresses And nobody says winter enters red, Mother Earth. Red lips smile …
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From early to mid 2000’s. Blissful memories consuming with ire. Gleeful desire, hungry prophets. Liar Liar Liar! Mystery is fire Odyssey of “Step” to “True.” Ready the bodies stack them higher wrap them in gold. Yearn for the fire!
Emotions On Paper
Obviously, lack of inspiration creates bad poems about paper and pens. I guess, after realising that fact, I became a little grouchy and told off the “readers”. From 2002-03. There are many emotions that I want to seep into my pen through my fingertips let it bleed them onto paper. I see black blood on …
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Echo Chamber
Not an outline. Something to be sang with a tortured voice. Innocent hands spacial void falling eyes emotional rift bloody hands honeyed lies
Creature made of smokeless fire eyes of liquid jade brooding brow stalks the human mind awakening decrepit souls within heart of man aroused enticing tongues of shayateen lap at their feet arresting wisps of amaar penetrate their dreams Creature made of mud eyes dead as stone fire of passion captivates eyes of jinn former rulers …
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Chance Meeting
Statue of flesh and blood Heart of glass Shelter for the raven Oppressive fog denied entry Cracks on the statue’s surface as it ever so slightly reaches for the raven Curious obsidian beauty reflected in it’s bright half-lidded eyes Courageous little deaths Shuddering feathers and chipped skin Glass heart pure Feathers intact Bright darkness engulfing …
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The Untitled Trio
Written at Cody’s place three or so weeks ago in notepad. Sand dunes roam my mind hawks screech their presence goosebumps goosebumps goosebumps from the sky sand caught in my eyes lost lost lost in my mind from the haze, an oasis deep within murky waters my eyes stare back up at me not me …
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Orange Sun
Wrote this last night the traditional way with pen and paper. Tower of opaque glass stands tall and proud, But her might can not withstand the oncoming storm. The tempest ravages her walls until they crumble. Peace is a luxury long forgotten. Happiness is a cynic’s dream. Those who built her would abandon her. Those …
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Black Spider
Recent. Can’t sleep so I write. Freestyle. Black Spider She tip toes above me Silent laughter draws her near Loud thoughts she does not fear His pacing in-tune with the wind His words I can not mend Long legs grasping for a hold Movements growing ever more bold Fog Hazy blur Black Spider Legs of …
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To Be A Child
Wrote it the same time as I wrote Assignment. Remembering things from when I was living in New York. To Be A Child Finger swirls In thick bittersweet water. My body quakes with ecstasy. The inner child within me laughs… What a journey to the past!