Since the creation of this blog, I have made the move to turn it into a book. A WordPress and Twitter page has been created for it also. X: WordPress: I plan on making this a series of two books.
Part 8
The pretense for our journey to Egypt was a lie, like many things turned out to be. Learning Arabic was something I was not particularly good at and that frustrated my father. He told me one day when we were arguing about the move that the reason for it was because of my inability to …
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Love: Various Voices With The Same Pen
Poetry and Prose included in The Sin of Greed.
Part 7
My mother’s favorite tool was her wooden spoon and I gave her gave ample occasion to use it. I had a real issue with holding in my urine whenever the urge hit. Naturally, this resulted in many accidents at school, home, on the street. Wherever and whenever. She got fed up eventually and resorted to …
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Part 1
Keeping a diary was never a thing that occurred to me growing up and it was never my style to share my thoughts with anyone; not even privately to myself on paper. Instead, I would conjure up other lives on storyboards using my own art and words with any tools that I could get my …
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Quran Burning Debate April 11, 2011, 09:16:38 PM
The following is a discussion that I was asked to partake in on Facebook. This video was the opener for the discussion: Quote from: Me I agree fully with K’s status message: “Let me be one of the people living in the Islamic world who officially condemns the violent and idiotic actions of the Afghans …
Continue reading Quran Burning Debate April 11, 2011, 09:16:38 PM
Offensively Human
The creak of narrow stairs Doorway to hell partially ajar Sounds of flesh on flesh Panting and angry words cutting silence Sickening Stomach churning with anger Fear clenching throats Comforting children in humiliation Refusing to cower but doing nothing Defiant in our profane purity Hiding in plain sight ever since Cutting away at the psyche …
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Saturated Transcendence
Part three of the series. My days are like Lethargy laden limbs Apathetic creature Laying in the sun Hunger desire saturated Transcending this world Staring at nothing Seeing the past is like Pieces of a puzzle Fluttering of fly wings Frozen moments in time Being re-written At each re-collection Empathy or attachment Both scorch the …
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Name Me Skinrape
Name me Victim protecting their master The protected abusing one another Name me Selfish selflessness owner’s expectations legitimized Name me I am the vitality of the young I am what creates the shadows We grow from within Raping unmarred skin Luxuriously seeping thru orifices Widening eyes, mouth agape Congesting those that remain Crude genitalia losing …
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Early Years
Creeping amid electrons ostracized from neurosis urinating in faith’s lap ravaging trepidation with poise angel of vilification gender desedimentation entering the cruor inbred genetics the cause skull-fucking the blind festering subjugation enrapturing children animosity pooling within ravenous septic oval eyes