Quran Burning Debate April 11, 2011, 09:16:38 PM

The following is a discussion that I was asked to partake in on Facebook.  This video was the opener for the discussion: Quote from: Me I agree fully with K’s status message: “Let me be one of the people living in the Islamic world who officially condemns the violent and idiotic actions of the Afghans …
Continue reading Quran Burning Debate April 11, 2011, 09:16:38 PM

Offensively Human

The creak of narrow stairs Doorway to hell partially ajar Sounds of flesh on flesh Panting and angry words cutting silence Sickening Stomach churning with anger Fear clenching throats Comforting children in humiliation Refusing to cower but doing nothing Defiant in our profane purity Hiding in plain sight ever since Cutting away at the psyche …
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Saturated Transcendence

Part three of the series. My days are like Lethargy laden limbs Apathetic creature Laying in the sun Hunger desire saturated Transcending this world Staring at nothing Seeing the past is like Pieces of a puzzle Fluttering of fly wings Frozen moments in time Being re-written At each re-collection Empathy or attachment Both scorch the …
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Name Me Skinrape

Name me Victim protecting their master The protected abusing one another Name me Selfish selflessness owner’s expectations legitimized Name me I am the vitality of the young I am what creates the shadows We grow from within Raping unmarred skin Luxuriously seeping thru orifices Widening eyes, mouth agape Congesting those that remain Crude genitalia losing …
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